Players Code of Behaviour

  • play by the rules.

  • never argue with officials. Disagreements should be discussed with your coach or manager during a break or after the game.

  • control your temper. Abuse of opponents or officials is not allowed in any sport.

  • work equally hard for yourself and your team and both will benefit.

  • be a good sport. Applaud good plays by your team and your opponents.

  • treat all players the way you would like to be treated yourself.

  • co-operate with your coach, team mates and opponents. Without them there would be no game.

  • play for the “fun of it” and not just to please parents and coaches.

  • referees are only human and will make mistakes. Players are to respect that.

This is an ongoing journey to change to culture in Football to a consistently positive and rewarding one. We are aiming to emphasise that, while winning is important as a measure of achievement; it is not the only measure out there. Setting your own goals and achieving them can be just as fulfilling for teams and individuals.

The Fundamental Aim of the RESPECT program is:

To encourage Respect to:

  • The match officials, without whom the game would be much less enjoyable
  • The opposition, without whom there would be no game
  • The laws, which keep the game fair and safe
  • Yourself, set yourself standards and stick to them no matter what anyone else does


Email : admin@eastwoodstandrews.org

Home Ground : Eastwood Oval, Lakeside Road, Eastwood. NSW
